About Selage

At some point, handbags became either outragiously expensive or boring, unsturdy, and plastic. We are here to offer our customers something different: showstopping, durable bags that will not break the bank. Designed to be used everyday but still turn heads, Selage products are handcrafted with premium Argentinian leather and built to last.

  • Premium Argentinian Leather

    Strong, yet lightweight and luxurious Argentine leather is the ultimate leather indulgence. It's soft-to-touch, durable and unparalleled quality makes it the favorite among the world's top designers.

  • Designed for the Real World

    Selage bags are designed to be used everyday. Wherever your journey takes you, from errands to a 9-5, from coffee to a night out, your selage bags can tag along.

  • Artisan Craftsmanship

    Though we have years of experience, we are not an industrialized operation. All selage products are handmade with detail to ensure maximum quality and durability.